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Sports Premium

2023-2024 Action Plan

Evidencing the impact of PE Premium

The impact and sustainable outcomes of the spending of the Sports Premium money were: As a result of:

  • Employing outside coaches to run 2 out of hours sports clubs each week more pupils attending OSHL clubs, more pupils attended community sports clubs and more pupils became more confident in P.E.
  • Nominated members of staff to attending partnership courses and purchasing accompanying resources there has been improved staff knowledge and confidence in dance and gymnastics within the PE curriculum. Also this lead to the Introduction of team building activities which has been used especially with the Nurture Group children
  • Purchasing teaching resources has improved staff knowledge, confidence and the subsequent quality of teaching in games. This has also resulted in better quality PE lessons so that pupils have improved their fitness levels and knowledge.
  • Improving facilities in the playground there are wider opportunity of activities including improved/new playground markings and games equipment. More pupils are engaged throughout playtimes and more P.E games/activities provided.
  • Widening children’s opportunities outside of the school children have experienced different sporting activities. Children have become aware of outside sporting clubs which they could join/be involved in.
  • PE premium money covering transport costs, all Key Stage Two children were able to participate in two inter-school competitions. This resulted in greater confidence in pupils’ own ability as well as developing all the important attributes of sportsmanship. 
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