The St Edmundsbury and Ipswich Multi Academy Trust is the Admissions Authority for all the academies within the Trust. The MAT delegates powers over admissions to Local Governing Bodies in terms of writing their admissions policies and applying oversubscription criteria. Every year the MAT Board of Directors determines the policies for the academies in the Trust
Visits and Information
If you wish to visit the school, or find out more about applying for a place at the school, then please contact Mrs Baxter in the office;
01502 713030
Click Here for Admission Arrangements
It provides everything you need to apply for a September 2025 School place for our school in reception and for a place at High School.
Please note that the PAN (Permitted Admission Number) for Ringsfield school has been adjusted to 15 pupils per year.
Applications must reach the Local Authority by 15th January 2025. Late applications will be ranked according to the oversubscription procedures noted below. Decision letters are issued by 16th April 2025.
You have the right of appeal if your child has been refused a place at any of your preferred school(s).
If you wish to appeal for a school in Suffolk, guidance notes and the appeal forms are available to download from the Education Appeals Office or you can contact 0345 600 0981 for a copy to be posted to you.
You should send your appeal form(s) to the Education Appeals Office by 15 May 2025 for your appeal to be heard by 18 July 2025. The Education Appeals Office will contact you with details of your appeal arrangements.
Admissions policies for this year and the following years can be found below
As we are a Church School you can use a SIF form to add to your application if you attend Church regularly.