British Science Week
Each year we engage with British Science Week.
In March 2023 we completed a whole school investigation on biscuit dunking, after all teachers do love a good biscuit with their cup of tea! We needed to find out the best biscuit for dunking without getting soggy biscuit in our drinks. Some children also completed an investigation into the water temperature to see if this would make a biscuit dunk for longer.
We invited parents in for our annual science fair too and had a wonderful time sharing investigations and experiemnts with each other.
British Science Week
In March 2022 we celebrated British Science Week.
We completed a whole school investigation, all of the children has a go at the popular 'Rocket Mouse' investigation. We had to explore how we could make a paper mouse fly the furthest. All we had to use was a range of plastic bottles! but we still learnt lots about forces and how to collect and show our data. What fun!
At the end of Science Weel, we invited the parents back in to school, it was wonderful to be able to have parents in and share our learning. Chidlren of all ages brought in Science Investigations and Experiments from home to share with us. The range of investigations was incredible and we all learnt lots about Science and why it is so interesting.