The Big Bird Project
This half term we have taken part in The Big Bird Project which combines outdoor learning, PSHE and DT.
We took part in lots of activities outside with Lucille including building bird hides, taking part in the big bird watch and making things for the birds to feed on and encourage them into our school grounds.
In D.T. we have designed and made our own bird boxes. We came up with our own questionnaires to find out what people wanted from a bird box and used the answers we recieved to help us to design one that someone would want in their garden. We made a prototype box using artstraws to check the measurements were accurate and then made them.
In PSHE we looked at the idea of enterprise and what it means to be enterprising. We looked at the skills needed and tried to show these ourselves as we worked through the project. We are going to work out how much the materials to make our product cost and hopefully make a small profit when we sell our finished boxes.