Welcome to Oak Class
Key Stage 1
Welcome to Oak Class! We are a mixed class of year 1 and 2 pupils aged from 5-7. Miss Warnes and Mrs Mittchell are our class teachers and Mrs Kirby and Mrs Kett are our teaching assistants. We also have two sports coaches Ms Miss Drake and Mr Wilson. They teaches us for some of our PE lessons and helps us to develop our PE skills.
We begin our learning each day with phonics and spelling lessons. The rest of the morning sessions are spent learning English and maths. In English lessons we focus on reading and analysing texts and then move onto creating our own pieces of writing. We also include lots of speaking and listening activities including one of our favourites, drama! Our maths lessons follow a Mastery curriculum which includes: place value, addition and subtraction, multiplication and division, fractions, measurement, property of shape, position and direction and statistics (for year 2 only). During maths lessons the children complete a mixture of fluency, reasoning and problem-solving activities.
In the afternoons we spend our time learning about the other curriculum areas such as: topic (history and geography), science, computing, PSHE, PE, art, design technology and music. We also take part in lessons in our school garden which produce lots of fruit and vegetables!
We make the most of our lovely school grounds and surrounding countryside to do as much outdoor learning as possible. During outdoor learning opportunities we have completed activities such as: building and installing bug hotels in our wildlife area and collecting data about the different types of buildings in our village.
We love to share our finished work which is displayed in the classroom and around the school.
You can find out more about our topics and areas of learning by exploring our curriculum newsletters and the long term plans.

Learning in KS1

Mrs Allen's reading Challenge - BOOK BINGO!
Mrs Allen has set a challenge for all children in the school. Here is a list of classic recommended books to read. There is a copy of each book in the classroom. We recommend RED for year 1 and ORANGE for year 2.