Cherry Class
Cherry class is our Early Years Foundation Stage Nursery Class
Children are aged 2-4 years old
Nursery Managers: Mrs Hadingham and Miss Simpson
Supported by: Mrs Hayward-Bradley
About our Nursery
We have provision for 3-4 year olds in our morning session and 2 year olds can attend our afternoon sessions. We offer full days to our 3-4 year old children which includes the opportunity to have a hot dinner.
Our provision follows the EYFS Framework ensuring we follow the EYFS Principles and we use the Development Matters document to assist with planning for a purposeful learning environment.
We have a focus on Phonics in the Nursery and we use the aspects from Phase One phonics and the 'Little Wandle Foundations for Phonics' to support planning. We also plan daily maths sessions to introduce early concepts.
The children have regular access to experiences such as cooking, physical activities using the whole school equipment and music sessions.
Planning in the Moment and Personalised Planning
As in the Reception class careful observation 'next steps' are identified for groups of children and each individual and these determine the areas of learning we need to focus on. Planning is completed on a day to day basis to ensure that the children’s interests and fascinations are responded to quickly to gain the full value of their curiosity and engagement at the time. The environment will reflect these interests and fascinations as opportunities are set up to explore them in all areas of the provision.
To facilitate this further, each week we select a ‘focus child’ for the following week. Parents add photographs to Tapestry and the children share their photos with the rest of the class and these act as a springboard for ideas of activities the children might like to try. Parents of the focus child are given the opportunity to raise any questions they might have about their child’s learning and development and we can then agree on possible areas for focus in the future and how we can all help with these.