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Early Help Offer

Early Help offer

‘Early Help’ describes the type of early intervention and support that can be provided when a child or young person’s needs are not being met by routine universal service such as Children’s Social Care.

The Early Help Offer is about working with partners to help children, young people and families deal with their issues as early as possible; providing information, advice and services at the right time; supporting them to resolve their concerns as needs emerge.

Our Early help plan is based around building the relationship between families and the schools as having open conversations with carers enables us to identify the required support and how best to meet their needs.

All children are encouraged and taught to express their feelings, anxieties and fears. This is done through a range of activities and can take place in groups or individually.

All staff are committed to safeguarding children and know who to speak to if they are concerned about a child.

We have working partnerships with professional teams including the school nurse team, health visitors, community nursing team, speech and language therapy, Special Needs outreach

Useful numbers for Parents and Carers

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Early Help Offer

Early Help offer

‘Early Help’ describes the type of early intervention and support that can be provided when a child or young person’s needs are not being met by routine universal service such as Children’s Social Care.

The Early Help Offer is about working with partners to help children, young people and families deal with their issues as early as possible; providing information, advice and services at the right time; supporting them to resolve their concerns as needs emerge.

Our Early help plan is based around building the relationship between families and the schools as having open conversations with carers enables us to identify the required support and how best to meet their needs.

All children are encouraged and taught to express their feelings, anxieties and fears. This is done through a range of activities and can take place in groups or individually.

All staff are committed to safeguarding children and know who to speak to if they are concerned about a child.

We have working partnerships with professional teams including the school nurse team, health visitors, community nursing team, speech and language therapy, Special Needs outreach

Useful numbers for Parents and Carers

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