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Year 3 and 4

Welcome to Willow Class

Welcome to Willow Class - We are a mixed age Year 3 and 4 class. We are the lower part of Key Stage 2.

Children in our class are 7-9 years old

We have two main class teachers: Mrs Mitchell (Monday, Tuesday and the first part of Wednesday morning) and Mrs Thomas (the second part of Wednesday morning and the afternoon, Thursday and Friday). As well as our main class teachers we have specialist teachers who deliver some of our learning: Miss Drake and Mr Wilson teach PE and Mrs Crawley teaches Art. 

We are supported in class by our teaching assistants - Mrs Bean and Miss Goldspink and sometimes Mrs Blowers comes in to help us too.

Within year 3 and 4 we learn English and mathematics most mornings. Our English sessions incldue time spent on reading, writing, speaking and listening and spelling. Our maths sessions follow a mastery curriculum working through addition and subtraction, multiplication and division, fractions, measure, geometry and times tables. Our mathematics curriculum teaches a mixture of fluency, reasoning and problem solving. In our afternoon sessions we learn a further range  of subjects; topic (including history or geography), science, music, French, PE, art, RE, PSHE and we take part in gardening sessions as part of a whole school timetable.  Each term we are invited to attend at least one after school sports club and have the option of learning guitar in school with a specialst guitar tecaher - Mr Murphy, or learning piano. 

You can find out more about our topics and areas of learning  by exploring the curriculum overviews and long term plans. There is also more detail about our areas of learning in our class newsletters.


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Google Classroom

We have been really pleased to see so many of you sign up for Google classroom and start to use it. This will continue to be used for both class lessons and for homework. It will be used by the children throughout their time at Ringsfield School.

Google Classroom will also be a vital tool for communication and for setting work should the school need to close again in the future for bad weather. So, please, if you have not given permission for your child to use it yet, get in touch. If you are unsure about using it for safety or data protection reasons, then please send us an email and we will arrange to call you and discuss your concerns.

If you are missing the new classroom code then please email us.

Below is a link to a Youtube video that Mr Jeal from Brampton has put together to hopefully help with any queries. 


Class reading lists

Mrs Allen has set a challenge for all children in the school. Here is a list of classic recommended books to read. There is a copy of each book in the classroom. We recommend YELLOW for year 3 and BLUE for year 4. If you child is a reluctant reader you might like to look at the GREEN list - these books are full of fun and are designed to get children back into reading. 

Class newsletters

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