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Examples of work we have been doing at home

As our school is closed, Year 5 and 6 have been  working hard at home and doing lots of interesting home learning activities.  

We are really enjoying seeing what you have been up to, so we thought we would share some of it here. You can have a look at what your classmates have been doing.

This is just a selection of all of the work that has been done and sent to us. We will continue to add more to the gallery as we get it.

Well done everyone!

Alice has designed a leaflet about keeping healthy.

This week's home learning has included...

Billy has been busy in his garden and his flowers are looking lovely

Billy wrote his name on a grid and then worked out all the coordinates needed to draw the letters.

Work on Google Classroom

The Year 5 children have been doing some of the homelearning using Google classroom. Tess scanned in her work on how the use of commas can change the meaning of a sentence. She drew some lovely pictures to show the different meanings. Click on the image above to see her work 

Year 6 have been designing posters about climate change. They have thought about how to get the message across clearly and produced some lovely work. 

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